Random Musings From The Construction Zone

My inner muse is quite today. I keep calling to her; hoping she will grace me with some creative motivation but I think she is on vacation. Perhaps she has been chased away by the constant noise of construction we are experiencing of late. The homes on each side of us are getting pools and landscaping put in simultaneously and there is absolutely no escape. Between the rumble of bulldozers and the vibrating jack hammers, there is constant work chatter of the construction flavored variety. It’s more than a little disruptive but what’s one to do? In a few weeks, the booms and clanks and rumbles will be replaced with cool sounding waterfalls and little birds broadcasting their joy over the new housing prospects. Until then, please pardon the randomness of my musings.

A Little Baking Bliss

I baked a little this weekend and this Double Chocolate Banana Bread from Jamie’s Feast turned out moist and delicious

Double Chocolate Banana Bread With Protein


I added two scoops of my Bullet Proof Collagen Protein Powder to the mix which adds 22 grams of protein. I’ve been using this powder for about 4 months now and I feel it has substantially reduced my hair thinning. I put one scoop (1/2 the serving size) in my coffee each morning. It comes in chocolate and vanilla flavored but I just use the unflavored.


What Happened To The Craft Room Makeover???

The Craft Room Makeover is at a bit of a stand still as I try to get my industrial inspired desk built. My hubby and I put the pipe base together this weekend and now that I have a true size of the base, I can order the laminate for the desk top. I also spent this weekend researching and ordering a new monitor and keyboard to plug my laptop into so I can create a more ergonomic work environment. My neck and back are doing a bit of complaining lately and I’ve learned a lot about how my computer setup is contributing to that.After much research I chose the Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard. The split and curved shape is made to reduce wrist strain and the ten-key pad is separate, allowing me to place my mouse closer in rather than off to the side. I’ll let you know how it goes.


On My ‘Gotta Make’ list

This idea from Hello Glow looks like a great way to utilize empty wine bottles. I am a mosquito magnet so I’m thinking of filling these with rosemary  or citronella oil as a stylish way to deter the little buggers.


DIY: Wine Bottle Citronella Candles


New Summer Tunes

I’m always on the lookout for new music to craft to…or sit in a floaty in the pool to.  I’m so loving this rendition of  King For A Day by Anderson East.

In fact, I think it’s time for a break, some music (to drown out the heavy equipment hummmmm) and a refreshing drink.

Strawberry Peppercorn Shrub with Ginger Ale
Strawberry Peppercorn Shrub with Ginger Ale

Hint… the picture above is a teaser for my next blog post. Mmmmm. Make it a great week and as always…


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  1. Tania | 30th Apr 18

    Oh, those little loaves of banana bread look so delicious! I like the idea of the Collagen powder too!


    • JoElle | 2nd May 18

      Thanks Tania. They were (still are) really moist and yummy. I like to balance all the sweet/carb with some protein so the powder helps.

  2. Vikki | 30th Apr 18

    Love the idea of the rosemary candles to chase away mosquitos or other bugs. Your shrub drink looks delicious! I enjoyed today’s musings.

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