Intentions: The Kinder, Gentler Resolution


Is anyone else completely blown away by the fact that it is 2019? This year flew by. . . just like 2017 and ’16. . . and 2015. Wasn’t I 29 just like three years ago (NO). Honestly, the years keep accelerating to the point that I fail at my New Year’s Resolutions before I’ve chosen them!


I resolve to exercise 3 times a week –

NO! Binge watching television

I resolve to give up my nightly cocktail

…..and ordering more gin

I resolve to not stress out about the blog and just let it flow like creative pudding

OMG!! Haven’t blogged for two weeks. I need a new post! 14 different project attempts later, I’m hyperventilating


I wonder if the problem isn’t the fast pace of time but rather the definition of RESOLUTION. . . or even more so, the synonyms of Resolution


Resolution: a firm decision to do or not do something.

Synonyms: decision, settlement, verdict, boldness, declaration, firmness, immovability, judgement, obstinacy, tenacity, staunchness, stubbornness


Okay, first of all, I don’t care for the word FIRM in resolution’s definition. There are very few things in life that are truly firm. Firm tofu; not really. The extra bit of flab flopping under my arm; once upon a time, sort of. The price of something selling on Craig’s List; rarely. And using the word FIRM in reference to anything goal or self-improvement related is like a curse; destined to disappoint. So, resolution lost my vote at FIRM decision.

Now, let’s check out the synonyms of resolution. (Wow, that kind of sounds like an Amazon television series: The Synonyms of Resolution starring staunchy, stubborn characters and an immovable plot destined to fail.)

Right … so back to the synonyms.

. . . I see a LOT of problem words here. Aside from the fact that firmness is mentioned AGAIN, look at these words! They have FAILURE written all over them.

VERDICT: like it’s being forced on you or decided by someone else for you.

IMMOVABILITY: there’s no room for altering, fudging, wiggling (cheating) or entirely altering the original resolution.

JUDGEMENT: means you will certainly feel HORRIBLE every time you don’t hold up your resolution.

OBSTINACY & STUBBORNESS: means, despite new information entering the equation – like a new study showing gin is a health elixir, you must ignorantly stick to the resolution.

STAUNCHNESS: makes me think of super archaic men with huge egos and bad hair (and probably breath) with no ability to listen to any thought, solution or concept other than his (their) own. . . . Ahem.


None of that sounds like a positive, healthy way to enter the new year. I think I prefer the word INTENTIONS.


Intentions: a determination to act in a certain way. A thing intended. An aim. A plan

Synonyms: design, desire, acceptation, goal, hope, idea, objective, scheme, target, understanding, wish


Intention’s definition alone is a big improvement compared to resolution’s definition. It’s a determination (no FIRMNESS mentioned) to ACT a certain way. I can ACT like I’m going to exercise. I can wear the outfit – it’s actually fashionable now. You know ATHLEISURE. It’s a thing. Hey… and look at the next part of the definition: A thing intended. That is so generic you can’t possibly fail. Any combination of actions and outcomes is a success! An aim (doesn’t always hit it’s target). A plan (which can certainly change).

Furthermore, intention’s synonyms are a creative person’s delight! I love design, ideas and schemes because they are all encouraging, flowing and adaptable. And desire, hope, wish…what fantastic words to start the new year with.


I love Deepak Chopra’s idea of intention: He says,

“Intention is the starting point of every dream. Everything that happens in the universe begins with an intention.

Intentions allow you to “relinquishes your rigid attachment to a specific result.”

5 Steps to Setting Powerful Intentions,


Intention’s are a kinder, gentler resolution.


What are your intentions for 2019? Now that I’ve converted from the inflexible staunch resolution to the encouraging, positive intention, I feel I can tackle these four projects with kinder, more gentler aim.


Intention #1

Make our Master Bedroom a Restful Retreat

When we moved from Oregon, the couple buying our house bought a large bit of our furniture. Consequently, our bedroom is in complete disarray – which we have lived with for over two years now. We have no night stands to store things. Our lamps are whatever was left over. The cat yacked on the bedspread – twice and not even the ‘sanitation’ setting on the washer will get the stain out. There’s no organization and no scheme be it color or otherwise.


Intention #2

DIY Dry Erase Planner

Be More Proactive About Planning Blog Posts

In 2019, I intend to be more proactive with planning my blog posts and projects. I created this dry erase board over the holidays and I hope it will help me focus on one post at a time because there is a clear plan for the next three posts, thus reducing post anxiety (not anxiety after anxiety – blog post anxiety – you know what I mean.)


Intention #3

Vertellis Journal

Journal Regularly

I intend to journal at least three times per week this year. I chose the Vertellis Chapters journal because it gives you prompts (doesn’t hurt my brain as much this way). The journal also focuses on encouraging a feeling of gratitude and positivity which seems like a really nice way to travel through life.

They are currently sold out on their website but Amazon still has them in stock. Feel free to order directly from the “shop now” link below. The small (tiny) payment I get from Amazon for product promotion helps keep A Crafty Composition up and running. You pay the same price and get all your Prime benefits so if you want one, click below – please and thank you.




Intention #4

Learn German

Lastly, I’m attempting (I can say that because it is a flexible intention not a firm resolution) to learn German this year. We are heading off to Europe later this year so I thought it would be nice to speak and understand a few basic phrases. This is not a small intention for me because my past attempts at foreign languages (ESPANOL) have been SCARY! I once told my Mom during a shopping trip in Sedona, AZ that I was shocked what a prolific and versatile crafter “Hecho” was because his name was on the bottom of every piece of pottery, painting, and basket we picked up (Hecho en Mexico). That was after one full year of collage Spanish.

So, basically I suck at foreign languages and let’s be honest, menopause brain is making it difficult for me to even speak English correctly right now. Half my sentences are interrupted with a charade type action followed by complete elation when the listener guesses the word I’m trying to think of. Yea, it’s fun. (sarcasm).


So lovelies, I look forward to spending 2019 with you and working through my four intentions. I think we can all use a little kinder more gentler setting of goals for ourselves. After all, they are meant to improve us not defeat or shame us. I LOVE to hear from you so if you feel like sharing your resolutions/intentions for 2019, head to the comment section below.

Have a Vonderful Veek!

What?! I haven’t started my German classes yet.

Sharing is caring!


  1. Vikki | 11th Jan 19

    This says it all for me:

    • JoElle | 15th Jan 19

      Love Cookie Monster!!! Me want cookies too!

  2. Ashlyn | 10th Jan 19

    Love the word “intention”. I’m going to create an intention board for 2019. All the best with your intentions this year. You got this!

    • JoElle | 15th Jan 19

      Thanks so much Ashlyn. I can’t wait to see your intention board – love that idea.

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