The good, the bad and the learning curve

Today’s post is A Crafty Composition’s 100th post. That’s sort of mind blowing to me. One hundred posts, 850 images and 20 YouTube videos. Who knew I had so much to say! (No one who personally knows me should answer that!) There are a few posts I’m really proud of for the writing and some I love because the projects were so fun. Of course, there were a couple that just flopped. Googly Analytics tells me y’all definitely have your favorites and I’ll reveal those soon but first, let’s take a little stroll down memory lane . . . shall we?

Special thanks to Ehrling’s wickedly wonderful music skills. www.

May 2017

So when I tell people I’m a blogger, I typically get one of two responses; Awkward silence or the following statement,

“So how does that work exactly.”

I get it. It really is a weird concept when you think about it. I started A Crafty Composition almost two years ago to fill a big void in my life where a career normally sits. My kids had their own lives and I had an itch to stretch my literary muscles again. Given our tendency to move around, a blog seemed like the perfect creative and mobile fit. Forget that I had limited (if any) photography, video, editing, programming or web design experience. Pshhh. . . who thinks about such details. A few weeks later, my knees shakin’ and my heart full of hope, I hit the PUBLISH button of my first blog post: Crafty Happy in the Southwest.

It Takes a Village (to support the crazy blogger)

Unlike the intro music dialogue on my 100th Post video – I DO have encouragement and support from those near and dear to me. I know they don’t always understand why I work 30+ hours a week for $1.29 in ad revenue but they are always there for me.

My husband listens to my crazy ideas, is patient when the clutter oozes from my craft room and doesn’t complain when dinner is chips and salsa. Hey – salsa is a vegetable! My Mom, Vikki, and my dear friend Lenneke have ‘liked’ and ‘shared’ and commented on almost all 100 posts. You ladies rock! Love & Hugs. The founder of the blog Little Vintage Cottage, even though a perfect stranger at the time, shared endless tidbits of advice and information. Thank you Tania! I’m super lucky in that I always have an ear to bounce an idea off of and willing victims to test my recipe’s on. For that I’m very thankful.

You Can’t Be All Things To All Readers

Of course, what would A Crafty Composition be without you lovelies; subscribers, followers, readers, commenters and fellow makers of stuff and things. Blogging is a difficult gig because you don’t get to ‘see’ how your work is received. I’m not going to lie, there are weeks when I put my heart into a post, proudly push the ‘Publish’ button and . . . nothing. Crickets. Then I begin the analyzing phase. Was the post a bit like a drunk dance where you think you’re doing great and everyone witnessing it is like, “Oh wow . . . no. stop.” Or, is it all just part of the learning process; when to post, what to post, how much to post?

The learning curve for a blogger is BIG. Of course, there’s all the logistics of creating and maintaining the site but there’s so much more.

I’ve learned not to release posts on Fridays – nobody reads them and by Monday they’ve forgotten. Also, nobody likes long complicated explanations – I learned this on my post, Three Free Tools To Help You Color Your World. Even the title was too long . . . and the graphics . . . yikes! I’m pretty sure all three of you who endured it’s mammoth length were looking for the lighted path to the nearest exit. I learned that if you cuss, you lose subscribers. If you suggest a political preference, you lose subscribers. Sadly, if you post cocktail recipes, you lose some subscribers only to gain a few new ones . . . which you lose two days later when they figure out it’s a sewy, painty kind of ‘CRAFT’ blog – not a boozy CRAFT blog.

I’m still fine tuning what A Crafty Composition is. Heck, I’m still fine tuning what I am. I admire the bloggers who are out there being themselves and doing their thing – not worried about unsubscribers or negative comments. That might be a luxury that comes after a bit of success. I don’t know – I’ll tell you when I get there.

And The Winner Is

Well enough of all this gobbly-gook. I know all you lovelies really want to know is what is the NUMBER ONE, most read blog post in the history of A Crafty Composition. I know – you want to go to bed . . . or the bathroom and you can’t until you have this important bit of information. So drum roll please.

And the analytics report says . . .

pause for dramatic effect

Skinamarinky Shrinky Dink

Shrinky Dinks Wine Charms
Shrinky Dink Kitty Earrings Feature Image

I loved doing the Shrinky Dink post because I did it with my daughter. We had such a good time and she is officially, “that teacher with all the crazy earrings”.

Coming in at a close second and third are…

Trace & Transfer

Trace and Transfer Images for craft projects

and . . . Three Easy Steps To Creating Gorgeous Art Rocks

I’m not sure what the next 100 posts hold for A Crafty Composition. To date I have made almost $50 in ad revenue and affiliate pay (seriously). I have spent (x#$+!!$) in supplies, computer programs, site security monitoring and coffee. But I know good things take time and I’m thrilled that I have the leisure to take this fascinating adventure. I love making things. I love being a part of people’s crazy creative side. Thank y’all for every single time you CLICK, OPEN, READ, TRY, MAKE, COMMENT and SHARE.

Sharing is caring!


  1. Tania | 7th Mar 19

    Happy 100th postiversary!! lol

    Thank you so much for mentioning me and my blog! I am really impressed with how you started out so great… such great projects, photos, everything… it’s like you’ve been doing this your whole life!

    I love so many of your projects but the little fabric hearts, the cactus pincushion, and the jeans that you put the fabric in the holes are my favorites!


    • JoElle | 11th Mar 19

      Thank you so much Tania. I honestly couldn’t have done it without your guidance. I so appreciate you willingness to help a fellow blogger. It will be fun to see where this next year takes both of our blogs.

  2. Vikki | 7th Mar 19

    I LOVE your video–and the music. My favorite posts were:
    -the chair you re-styled
    -the little Christmas treasure glass house
    -the heart warmers.
    We’re so glad you’re out there. Can’t wait to see the next 100.

    • JoElle | 11th Mar 19

      Thank you so much for your comment Vikki. Those posts are some of my favorites too. I really appreciate you constant support and enthusiasm. xoxo

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