I Arted

Why does it always feel like an exaggeration to say we make ART? I’m so much more comfortable saying, “I’m just a crafter”. I’m not sure why that is. I know I work just as hard on my craft projects as any artist does on their pieces but in my mind, an artist is a professional. There are university degrees in ART, not crafting. There are hundreds of museums full of ART but hardly any focused entirely on crafts. Every graduate of any high school – anywhere – can name at least a handful of famous artists; Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Picasso, Warhol, Banksy . . . But what about famous crafters? Are there any? Somehow, in my hamster wheel of a brain, I’ve made ART synonymous with elite, refined, cultured and professional. Things I am not.


Who says it HAS to be that way? Why can’t crafting be art and art be crafting? I get it. People have degrees in fine art; they put in 4+ hard years and forked over thousands of dollars in tuition. I mean just because I can balance a bank account doesn’t mean I’m an accountant. I can make a popsicle stick bridge but I’m certainly not an engineer. But why can’t I be an artist? I make stuff. I own paint and . . . brushes (cheap). Why can’t fabric be a canvas and my scrapbooks be a gallery?

Art is Too Serious

I think perhaps art is too serious. There is a certain atmosphere around the word. I dress nicer when I go to an art museum. Do you? I’ll throw on a scarf and maybe a piece of jewelry that looks , I don’t know . . . ARTSY. And what’s with the whispering?! When you go to an art museum you have to speak all your artistic and creative observations like the commentator on Sunday afternoon golf.

Art Museum Commentary

There are all those serious looking people in jackets and ties standing around, making sure you’re not carrying a Venti Carmel Macchiato around with you or getting too close to anything. You have to be on your best behavior and you absolutely – certainly – definitely cannot touch – ANYTHING. EVER! It’s all so sober and significant feeling. Maybe that’s why calling ourselves artists is so intimidating.

But here’s the thing . . . EVERYBODY ARTS

It’s true. Everybody does it. From the time we were old enough to communicate, we all arted. Yep. I arted. You arted. WE ALL ARTED. Heck, even animals art. It’s a natural thing.

Art is any creative activity concerned with the production of imaginative designs, sounds or ideas

Oxford Dictionary

When you read the Oxford Dictionary’s definition, it doesn’t sound that scary, does it? ANY creative activity (got that covered). Production of imaginative designs, sounds or ideas (so a unicorn llama is good . . . and if it looks more like a goat then it’s a unicorn goat.) This is the attitude I am going forward with. I think this will be my creative mantra ~ Everybody arts. It’s natural, just let it go.

Until next week – happy crafting (arting)
Here are a few oldie but goodie posts related to the creative process.

Small Scale Crafting

The Luxury of Crafting

New Craft Room Reveal

Sharing is caring!


  1. Kelli | 24th Jun 19

    Love reading your blogs! Look forward to the next one! πŸ˜€

    • JoElle | 25th Jun 19

      Hello Kelli!! Thanks so much. πŸ’•

  2. Vikki | 21st Jun 19

    I confess….I arted. If and “artist” can paint a toilet and call it art, why not us? Most crafts take more time and talent than that!! I always love reading your blog; you come up with so many different things. Keep ’em comin’. (You ought to sell these t-shirts.)

    • JoElle | 21st Jun 19

      Thanks so much Vikki. I know – sometimes I go to a modern art museum and think – “I’m pretty sure my kid did that in pre-school.” Of course my kids are exceptional πŸ˜‰. I am trying to figure out a way to offer the tee shirt as a few readers have showed an interest. Will keep everyone posted. Hugs.

  3. Lenneke | 20th Jun 19

    I love this post! And your shirt!!

    • JoElle | 21st Jun 19

      Thank you Lenneke. I love your comment 😘

  4. Maria Conti | 20th Jun 19

    Thank you! πŸ₯°β€οΈπŸ˜the T shirt!

    • JoElle | 21st Jun 19

      Thanks so much Maria! Trying to figure out a way to make the tee available – will keep y’all posted.

  5. Dana Davis | 20th Jun 19

    I love to read your comments..you are funny along with being a good writer.

    • JoElle | 21st Jun 19

      Thank you so much Dana. And thanks for checking out the blog. Hugs.

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